Begonia Lectures

Fancy-Leaved Begonias…But, What About the Flowers?

This program will provide a brief history of the discovery of this large genus and will include what makes a begonia a begonia.  Participants will be introduced to a diverse group of begonias grown primarily for foliage.  They will learn how to grow and propagate these versatile plants.  A discussion and demonstration of old-fashion varieties and new hybrids will include examples of species and some beautiful flowering hybrids.


How to Grow and Show a Blue-Ribbon Begonia

This program will describe how to plan for and enter your favorite begonia into an American Begonia Society (ABS) or another flower show.  In addition to submitting a well-grown plant, growers need to know how entries are classified for judging and become familiar with show rules and schedules.  By becoming familiar with the show schedule, you can optimize your chances for success. Demonstrations will illustrate strategies for growing and entering prize-winning begonias.


A Begonia for Any Season

This program will feature how to grow begonias both inside and out.  A month by month plan for enjoying this diverse and versatile genus will be described.  Far from ordinary, begonias are wonderful houseplants; many make lovely terrarium specimens.  As winter wanes and we think about spring, begonias as bedding and container plants are a beautiful addition to any garden.  Fall brings cooler weather, and is the time to think about bringing plants inside and perhaps taking a few cuttings.  With the holidays, it’s time for “winter-flowering” and fancy-leaved hybrids to enjoy while waiting for spring.


Magical Mini Garden

A Program for Children

A hands-on workshop for children, 5 years and older, where they create a miniature dish garden for their favorite fairy, princess, dragon, dinosaur or other magical friend. In addition to making a garden, children will learn about the importance of plants, what plants need to grow and how much fun it is to be a gardener.  All materials and plants are included.  Parents are welcome/encouraged to sit in. Fee: $20 per child. Workshop is limited to 10.